The Formation

Phurich Kitphant / / @leo.phurich

The starting point of this project started from my own passion and observation of football. The sport of football has been recognised as one of the most civilise aspects of the contemporary world and even the global culture. According to research, there are over three billion football fans in the world, which are larger numbers than Christianity, the world’s largest religion that has 2.2 billion followers. This staggering statistic hints that football has a tremendous impact on people’s social lives. Football is not just a physical activity but rather a social phenomenon by the great impacts its influence on the fandom and society. This lead to my question, can football be seen as a religion? This project aims to narrative each aspect of the culture of football, base on the concpet of religiosity, to prove that football, in fact, is more than just a game, but its sophisticated culture should be considered the same ways as to how the world sees religion.