แม่บ้าน / The Housewife

Pranwana Papata

a.pranwana@gmail.com / www.pranwana.com / @aomprn

How often do we meet a little girl dreaming to be a housewife? Most women never have the idea of becoming a housewife, they desire to be successful in either career or educational path, but why the circumstances lead them to become one? Housewife has been a family role for women in our society for decades yet their stories have not been told much amongst people. If we look into this topic thoroughly, we might discover the hidden root cause behind this traditional gender roles. Thus this project depicts such a domestic subject to reflect social beliefs and social practices toward gender roles under patriarchal norms in Thai society, by using the cultural probes as a main collective tool to approach the stories and experiences of the middle to upper class housewives in Bangkok and portrays it through the zine.