รู้จริง – รู้สึก (To Know – To Feel)

Sarut Viphustien

bbankviphustien@gmail.com / www.sarut-v.com / @bbankvps

Organ donation is not a new issue for Thai society. But the perception and understanding of organ donation is not yet extensive. And there are still some cultural beliefs and grief that affect people's sentiments. Moreover, most people think that organ donation is a distant concern but in fact, it is close to everyone.

A 2-sided publication which emotionally convinces next of kin by narrating based on true stories from next of kin’s, TC nurses’ and organ recipients’ experiences and also increases the understanding about organ donation by providing facts and information.The audiences are free to choose which section to begin with whether information or emotion. In the story section, audiences will see how next of kin get over their tragic and unexpected losses and how TC nurses deal with next of kin's griefs.