Be Drinker, Be Adventurer

Phim-on nakornchai /

Many coffee workshops are available for people who are interested in exploring the flavors of coffee and its stories. These coffee novices apply to these workshops, seeking pleasure, knowledge, and new experiences. This coffee handbook is a tool that they will receive after attending a coffee cupping workshop, which will help them to continue exploring the coffee world on their own. 

The handbook is separated into three parts, each contains different topics. The first part is all about the general facts of coffee and its journey from beans to cup. A second part focuses on the various flavors in coffee and how to choose the right taste for you. The third part is a drinker's journal, which provides an easy way to observe and collect one's favourite coffees. 

By using this handbook, coffee novices will be able to gain knowledge, experiences and joy on their own.

- Visual Design Concept -

The handbook is designed under the concept of MAP/JOURNAL to represent how curious the coffee drinker becomes when they are so into coffee tastes. Just like the adventurer, they need a map to guide them through the coffee sea and a personal journal to write their story down.

See more video here!

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Part1 - Coffee Legend

Part1 - Coffee Legend

Part1 - Geography Flavor

Part1 - Geography Flavor

Part1(back) - The Journey Behind A Cup

Part1(back) - The Journey Behind A Cup

Part2 - Coffee Flavor Wheel(left page), Find the Flavor/Cupping(right page)

Part2 - Coffee Flavor Wheel(left page), Find the Flavor/Cupping(right page)

Part2 - How to store coffee beans at home?(left page), Top 10 Thai beans(right page)

Part2 - How to store coffee beans at home?(left page), Top 10 Thai beans(right page)

Part3 - Coffee Journal/A guide to collect and observe coffee(divided by 4 human senses:seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting)

Part3 - Coffee Journal/A guide to collect and observe coffee(divided by 4 human senses:seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting)

Binding the journal with an elastic band, enables the user to add more pages or other elements on their own, which creates an individual identity of each coffee drinker.

Binding the journal with an elastic band, enables the user to add more pages or other elements on their own, which creates an individual identity of each coffee drinker.

Work Process

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