Fake foods

Nippita pongern

nippita.p@gmail.com, www.nippitap.com

The food industry is one of the biggest industries globally. Despite being one of the biggest industries, the food supply chain is generally controlled by a few profit-oriented multi-national food corporates; posing threats to the social and environmental area. On the other hand, consumers consume without realizing the context behind their food; contamination, chemicals, slavery, etc. This proved that knowledge and awareness of consumption are ultimately essential in this era. Therefore, Fake Foods is a project made to help promote the idea of 'mindful consumerism' to the public.

Fake as a brand is a satirical-fictional canned food company that represents big multi-national food corporates; specifically for their marketing, lies, puffery, ultra-process food, and artificialness. Through a series of canned food products and bold-surrealistic visuals, the fake company aims to retell the true background behind the food corporates and their food in a sarcastic and nonsensical manner. All to encourage, consumers to be more critical and speculative of what they consume. The project includes 3 different canned product lines representing food contaminations, exaggerated claims, and surrealistic ultra-processed food consecutively.


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