Don't fall for feeds

Kornkanok Wutthipongchaikij /

Everything on social media is fast. Posting, messaging, or sharing could go from one to two, two to ten, ten to thousands which could end up to millions. People share what they see instantly without thinking over or checking if the information is accurate and reliable or not. One might share false content without realizing they’re becoming a part of the fake news chain. 

‘Don’t Fall for Feeds’ is a set of frame by frame animation videos based on the article “How to Spot Fake News Tips” which is written by, a well known American fact checking website. The project includes 3 short animations which visualize and show what the audience should be aware of when consuming news through social media. The use of humor along with rhyming mottos further help the audience remember and understand the tips better. These animations are created for young teens who might not enjoy reading full pages of text. Therefore, they can learn and have fun watching how to spot fake news by themselves.  


Read beyond the Headlines

Check for Author

Is this some kind of Joke?

Think twice before you share.

Think twice before you share.

Read the full article

Read the full article

Search for the author’s biography or profile

Search for the author’s biography or profile

Anyone could have a fake identity on social media

Anyone could have a fake identity on social media

Rhyming Motto

Rhyming Motto

Don’t take it too serious!

Don’t take it too serious!


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