Tham Bannakarn /
Supernatural occurrence is one of the most disputed topics in today's world. It has been observed since our primitive years. This can be seen through a lot of cave paintings and old writings. At present time, we can see it’s development through how it was interwoven with modern day technology. Though, many occurrences happened at a different place and sometimes, completely different time, there are three main things they have in common.
These are fear, accident, and confirmation bias. Fear is that anxious feeling you get when you find something scary. Instinctively, these are darkness and the unknown. Accident is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly. Lastly, confirmation bias is a psychological term used to explain a flaw in human rational thinking. We tend to find information and facts that confirm our initial beliefs. In short, supernatural occurrence can only happen when you are feeling fear, something you never expected happens and you believe that ghosts exist.
This project is initiated to express this knowledge through the use of experience design and spread out the fact that ghosts can also be our very own minds playing tricks on us.
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